Auditing your household staff can be a complex and sensitive task, but it is essential to ensure that your property is running smoothly and that your staff are doing their job properly. Auditing your staff is an important part of ensuring the level of service and good management of your home(s).
Morgan Mallet School's teams can help you with your audit project. Whether it is to solve a management problem, an HR understanding or to resolve personnel management problems, Morgan Mallet School will assist you in a quality audit that is precise and a source of proposals for the future.
Auditing your household staff is essential to ensure that your property assets are running smoothly and efficiently. Undergoing our audit, you can ensure that your household staff will do their job properly and that your residence(s) are running efficiently.
Our audits are tailor-made which is why our pricing and quotation is based on a visit to your property and a discussion with you about the reasons and objectives.
Process of the household staff audit
The first step in auditing your house staff is to create a checklist of tasks to be performed. In addition, you will also need to consider with our teams the tasks related to the maintenance of the property. This checklist should include all the tasks you expect your house staff to perform on a daily basis.
Once we have created your checklist, we will review it again with your house staff. This will give them the opportunity to discuss any problems or questions they may have and to ensure that everyone has a good understanding of the project.
In addition, it will allow them to make suggestions for improvement or add additional tasks to be completed. The third step in auditing your house staff is to review their performance. This can be done by asking your staff questions about their work performance and providing feedback.
We will also keep track of how long it takes them to complete each task and the quality of their work. This will give you a good indication of their efficiency and whether they are meeting the expectations you have set.
Finally, you will need to review your staff regularly with our teams. This can be done by conducting periodic performance reviews or by simply observing their work and ensuring that they are following the checklist you have created.
In addition, we will also follow up on any complaints or problems your staff may have with the new post-audit organisation. Our teams provide regular follow-up over a period of time.